
  • 一名学习成绩优异但性格懦弱的菜鸟警察,为了成功完成他的第一个任务--与一名充满敌意、性格孤僻的资深警察联手抓…
  • Zora has been described as an indigo since childhood, making her life always haunted and targeted by super…
  • 一群印度林业局官员、非政府组织工作人员、警察和好心人冒着生命危险,试图追查印度历史上最大的象牙偷猎者,并将…
  • 65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7…
  • 本片为《坎达萨米一家》系列电影的第四部,双方亲家为了迎接孙女的降生而前往毛里求斯,却在那里惹出滑稽可笑的麻…
  • The mystery of the unknown and the road that leads to the solving of the said mystery, both are waiting.
  • Things take a turn as dramatic events unfold after a crime was committed in a village and as the culprit i…
  • 为了让婚姻重燃激情,成为亲家的闺蜜尚蒂和詹妮弗打算携各自的丈夫一起去度假,却遭遇了各种意想不到的事情。